
American Water – We Keep Life Flowing

American Water – We Keep Life Flowing
Doug Brand

By – November 3, 2017 – 2 Comments

American Water employees are so proud to serve our customers. We are relied upon to provide safe, clean, affordable and reliable water and sewer service. Providing this life-sustaining service is our life’s calling. We do it because we care about the people and families that we serve.

Over the past few years, we have dedicated ourselves to improving your customer experience. We started with listening to our customers to understand their needs. We have spent hours and hours looking at the technology, systems and processes that we have to support our customers. We have explored how everything fits together to deliver an exceptional service. Water quality, our customer service, our billing and payment process…it all matters.

We concluded that the services we provide are there to “Keep Life Flowing.” That water service in this country, in this day and age, is often a “given,” and it was our job to work as hard we can behind the scenes to keep it that way.

It is with this in mind that I am excited to share information on how “We Keep Life Flowing.” To do it, we focus on what matters most to our customers: Infrastructure, Solutions, Quality, Service, Safety and Community.

  • Infrastructure:  Like you, we have a daily routine. We treat and deliver millions of gallons of water and safely maintain miles of pipeline so your water is always ready, even before you are.
  • Solutions:  When something is important, you go the extra mile, and so do we. Whether it’s using advanced technology like aerial drones to monitor and inspect our systems, or earthquake-resistant pipes to replace outdated infrastructure. How we innovate today will help you live better tomorrow.
  • Quality:  At American Water, we always test the water. That means using advanced sensors, real-time notifications, and millions of checks and balances so that good, clean fun is always on tap.
  • Service:  With a footprint of over 1,600 communities, service is everything to us. We go above and beyond to ensure that our water arrives on time. Our customers are at the center of everything we do, and, every day, we work to provide reliable access to clean, safe, affordable and reliable water.
  • Safety:  We take safety very seriously, surveying our water at its source and performing millions of quality tests that you can depend on. We play it safe, so you can drink it that way.
  • Community:  We don’t just service the community; we’re part of it. We protect our watersheds, help prevent pollution, and get involved in the places where we work and live.

Our customers rely on water. We are honored that they rely on us. “We Keep Life Flowing” is American Water’s education campaign, and I’m proud to share it with you. It inspires us and is our commitment to our customers. In the days to come, we will show you all the ways we keep life flowing, so that our customers’ satisfaction is always on tap.


  • Chin Yang says:

    We are in Cherry Hill, NJ and use your water supply. Do you routinely test the water quality in your supply? Where can I find the test results? Thanks.

    • Water Street says:

      We take water quality very seriously and your safety is our number one priority. When it comes to complying with strict federal regulations for delivering safe, quality drinking water, we’ve consistently scored among the highest of all water companies. We provide our Water Quality Reports – also called Consumer Confidence Reports — to our customers annually. You can search for yours here:
